Here is a look at a few of the international training and exam events hosted across the world

Here are some photos from the most recent training programs and exams throughout Asia Pacific – November 2024

The Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) Wheelchair Project in Chaing Mia Thailand. Currently functions to distribute wheelchairs and other mobility aids to people all over Thailand and Southeast Asia. During the 20 years that the Wheelchair Project has been established, we have overseen the distribution of more than 30,000 assistive devices for people affected by disabilities. including 13,000 wheelchairs.

Training Program

The Training program was over 5 days of hands-on education provided by ATLAS-FIOS a training partner for the International DMERT Group Standards. The first 3 days covered the in-depth training on wheelchair repairs and the concepts needed to set them up for optimal use for each wheelchair user. The second 2 days was focused on the application of electronic troubleshooting and complex rehab seating components and motor actuators.


Each of the students will receive a certificate of completion for the training program they participated in with the option to continue their education through the standards examination under the DMERT Group International.

The next stop was in Australia where we met with ATSA to partner in the first live hands-on examination to develop the certification process in Australia.

Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia – ATSA, (originally known as IRSA – Independent Rehabilitation Suppliers Association), represents assistive technology (AT) suppliers throughout Australia.

We give the industry a strong and united voice and our members a business edge through access to the services, tools and connections only a peak body can deliver.

The DMERT Group International and ASTA would like to say thank you to Sunrise Medical for the space to run the first Australia Live DMERT Group Exams!


Live Examination

The Live exams ran over 3 days. We provided live hands-on exams to students on the first day with both Level 1 and Level 2. The second day we moved 3 individuals through the exam process into the live assessor program which provided the necessary skills to run national exams for both Level 1 and 2 throughout Australia under ATSA as the examination host.


ATSA was able to secure assessors through this process to ensure that the national exams can continue throughout the next year until ATLAS-FIOS and DMERT Group return to provide the next opportunity for assessors to become certified and support the large scale needed for a national program to be accepted.

New Zealand Exams!

Our next stop is in Auckland New Zealand with our partners to host our 3 round of exams!

Live Examination

The Live exams ran over 5 days. We provided live hands-on exams to students on the first day with both Level 1 and Level 2 and the assessment program. We were able to complete Exams for 20 students. Within the 20 students we finished the week with 5 new assessors, 17 Level 2 technicians and 1 level 1 technician. Congratulations all who completed their exams!


New Zealand now has the sufficient number of assessors to maintain the level of certifications needed to run the requirements through the country.